人員職掌介紹 | 健保診所維基百科
1. 主責輔導系科:新媒體暨管理學院。業務包括個管、個別晤談、諮詢、危機個案處理、導師輔導工作推動等。 - Mainly responsible for providing counseling to the College of Cultural and Educational Innovation. Work includes case management, individual interview, counseling, crisis case management, and promoting homeroom teachers to provide counseling.
2. 籌辦導師會議及輔導知能研習。 - Manage the homeroom teachers meetings. Organize workshops on homeroom teachers counseling knowledge.
3. 籌辦教師評鑑等業務。 - Coordinate the faulty evaluation.
4.統籌團體督導、個別諮商專業督導工作。 - Coordinate supervisions of group and individual counseling.
5. 統籌團體輔導工作 - Manage the centers reimbursement.
6. 統籌友善校園週預防宣導活動。 -Plan and implement the Friendly Campus Week.
7. 統籌班級輔導幹部之培訓。 -Train and lead counseling staff in classes.
8. 處理本中心工讀生相關業務。 ...