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國立台灣大學電機工程學系.Professor,DepartmentofElectricalEngineering,NationalTaiwanUniversityProfessor,GraduateInstituteofCommunication ...
Research Summary:The main research is on the wireless communication area. He has established several channel characteristics measurement systems, including narrowband and wideband measurement systems, vector wideband Channel Sounder, multiple-input-multiple-output(MIMO)channel measurement systems etc.. He has conducted several projects on the third generation (3G) mobile communication systems, such as smart antenna technology, RAKE receiver, and subscriber geolocation.
The key feature of the research is to consider the real channel characteristics. From the measured channel data to simulate the wireless communication system and to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Future research will investigate advanced transmission techniques such as OFDM, MIMO, and Impulse Radio with higher frequencies, wider bandwid...
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請問台大電信李學智教授好嗎 | 健保診所維基百科
國立臺灣大學電信工程學研究所 | 健保診所維基百科
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全球高速網路研究先鋒張正尚教授獲第55屆學術獎 | 健保診所維基百科